Monday, October 17, 2022

Romans‬ ‭7:7-8, 13

 “You might think I am saying that sin and the law are the same. That is not true. But the law was the only way I could learn what sin means. 

I would never have known it is wrong to want something that is not mine. But the law said, “You must not want what belongs to someone else.” And sin found a way to use that command and make me want all kinds of things that weren’t mine. 

So sin came to me because of the command. But without the law, sin has no power.

Does this mean that something that is good brought death to me? No, it was sin that used the good command to bring me death. 

This shows how terrible sin really is. It can use a good command to produce a result that shows sin at its very worst.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭7:7-8, 13‬ ‭ERV‬‬,13.erv

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