Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Isaiah‬ ‭25:6-9‬

“The Lord All-Powerful will give a feast for all the people on this mountain. At the feast, there will be the best foods and wines. The meat will be good and tender, the wine pure and clear. 

But now there is a veil covering all nations and people. This veil is called “death.” But death will be destroyed forever. And the Lord GOD will wipe away every tear from every face. In the past, all of his people were sad, but God will take away that sadness from the earth. All of this will happen because the Lord said it would. 

At that time people will say, “Here is our God! He is the one we have been waiting for. He has come to save us. We have been waiting for our Lord. So we will rejoice and be happy when he saves us.””

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭25:6-9‬ ‭ERV‬‬


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