Thursday, September 25, 2014

Exodus‬ ‭22‬:‭21-29‬

“Remember, in the past you were foreigners in the land of Egypt. So you should not cheat or hurt anyone who is a foreigner in your land. “You must never do anything bad to women whose husbands are dead or to orphans. If you do anything wrong to these widows or orphans, I will know it. I will hear about their suffering. And I will be very angry. I will kill you with a sword. Then your wives will become widows, and your children will become orphans. “If you loan money to any of my people, that is, the poor among you, don’t be like a moneylender and charge them interest. You might take their cloak to make sure they pay the money back, but you must give that cloak back to them before sunset. That cloak might be their only protection against the cold when they lie down to sleep. If they call to me for help, I will listen because I am kind. “You must not curse God or the leaders of your people. “At harvest time you should give me the first grain and the first juice from your fruit. Don’t wait until late in the year. “Give me your firstborn sons. (‭Exodus‬ ‭22‬:‭21-29‬ ERV)

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