Friday, February 24, 2012

Isaiah 1

15When you spread out your hands in prayer,
I will hide my eyes from you;
even if you offer many prayers,
I will not listen.
Your hands are full of blood;
16wash and make yourselves clean.
Take your evil deeds
out of my sight!
Stop doing wrong,
17learn to do right!
Seek justice,
encourage the oppressed.a
Defend the cause of the fatherless,
plead the case of the widow.
18“Come now, let us reason together,”
says the Lord.
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
they shall be like wool.
19If you are willing and obedient,
you will eat the best from the land;
20but if you resist and rebel,
you will be devoured by the sword.”
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

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